Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Full Speed Ahead!

Over the summer Merek mastered driving his Radio Flyer "Rocket Racer"! He rides it around the cul-de-sac trying to keep up with his sisters and never gets discouraged when they lap him. He has also learned that if he chug-chugs his way up to the top of the hill, he can ride it down at lightening fast speeds. One day he got so wild that he lost his Crocs and literally skinned his feet raw! He didn't even notice that they were dripping with blood until I picked him off of it!

If you look closely at this photo you can see the "owee" starting on his toes! (I hadn't noticed the injury at this point or I would've stopped him!) Needless to say he has to wear his shoes and a bike helmet from now on!

Fall Harvest

Brielle has been a great helper this fall "harvesting" our Super Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes! Could they get any SWEETER than this?


One of Kylyn's first homework assignments was to plant a sunflower seed in the spring, to watch it grow all summer and bring it back to school in the fall to make a Kinder"Garden" with her new friends! Look at how big hers grew! She was very proud of that flower!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

We are so incredibly proud of our daughters! Today was their first day of school - Kylyn started Kindergarten and Brielle started "Big Girl" Preschool! They were absolute angels and everything went off without a hitch!

They both got out of bed, immediately got dressed, brushed their teeth and styled their own hair. (All mom had to do what was we like to call "the finishing touch".) It helps that Kylyn has a uniform and Brielle got to wear her new "twirly" skirt! No fighting about who's wearing what!

The classic stand-by-the-front-door-with-backpacks pic! Little brother jumped in for the fun!

Kylyn out front of her new school - St. Croix Preparatory Academy.

The only tears shed today were by mom and dad as we left Kylyn in the "Brainy Bird" classroom to start her day.

Brielle squeezing in her cubby at her preschool open house... our sweet little "Big Girl"!

Checkin' out the new toys in her new classroom.

Summer's Last Hurrah

We wouldn't let summer leave without one last trip to the lake! Labor Day weekend was absolutely beautiful and we spent nearly the entire time on the water! Wouldn't it be nice if summer could last forever?

The kids and I piled in the tube and gave Merek his first ride around the lake. He loved it!

It's a good thing Merek doesn't know his colors yet... he might be getting sick of wearing his older sisters' PINK stuff!


Besides stuffing our faces with everything from deep fried pickles to Sweet Martha's Cookies, we had some fun at the MN State Fair this year! The girls jumped their giggles out on the super bungy and screamed their heads off on the Giant Slide! Merek enjoyed the chicken barn the best and passed out in the stroller after eating (and wearing) a huge popsicle!