Thursday, November 25, 2010

A "Beary" Nice Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving wasn't quite the same this year with out Dad. Besides missing his company, we felt his absence as our turkey carver, gravy tester and expert pumpkin pie eater. (Not to mention that we could've also used his help when our garbage disposal got jammed with potato peelings!)

We were however, thankful for a visit from our family's newest little Turkey, Lukas! He made his first trip to MN (through one of our famous Thanksgiving Day snow storms I might add) to celebrate the holiday! It was a true blessing to have him here to squeeze!

We got early Christmas presents this year... Mom gave us all memory bears in remembrance of Dad. They are soft, sweet little teddy bears made out of some of Dad's favorite things... his fleece jacket, flannel shirts, hunting vest, fishing T's and loungy pants. The kids were excited to have a new stuffed animal to love and we were teary-eyed with the thoughtful memento!

We worked off our stuffing with a good ole' fashion game of bowling! It was hilarious watching Merek play his first "real" game of bowling. Although he holds the high score on the Ipad version, he was a bit green with the real thing. Thank goodness for the bumpers and bowling alley assistant who could retrieve his stranded balls!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I was thinking of your family on Thursday, knowing the upcoming Holidays will be difficult beyond what I could ever imagine. What special gifts from your mom and Lukas is a cutie!! Love to you all!

  2. The bears your mom made turned out beautifully! I can't wait to check them out in person. Of course your table looked gorgeous :) And I agree, Lukas is a cutie!
